The Blog

If you love an addict and are familiar with the chaos of the world of addiction, take a moment, breathe in, breath out, and know you’re going to be OK.  The fact that you are here on this page and in the act of research indicates that you are interested in acquiring some unique personal […]

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What does Self-Sober even mean? You won’t find it in Webster phrased as such. Google switches the terms around, so who knows, maybe as a recovery community of shares and testimonies, we can dialog self-sober right into the web dictionary.  I define self-sober as the unimpaired mind-state of being—an intense awareness and readiness of the […]

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What is healthy fear? Healthy fear is not a phobia, timidity, a stuck state, or a reason to forget everything and run (F-E-A-R) from uncomfortable, even sometimes painful, challenges of life’s realities. Healthy fear, as I see it, is a sense of awareness, caution, a discernment to pause to anything suspect, possibly dangerous to my […]

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Hey World,  I am introducing myself to all you good folks.; I’m new to the blogging community, and I’m excited to be here.  I have a story, and I am charged to share it creatively. I also have expertise in surviving self and sobriety, “self-sober.” With sixteen years and some change of long-term active recovery, […]

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